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TorGhost channel all traffic through tor network in kali linux Fulltut

Tor is one of the best freely available network to protect your identity. Its considered safe because of its highly cryptographic data transfer methods. I’m not going to explain working of tor in detail, if you are interested pls read my previous blog on How to change tor exit node manually. You can switch between exit nodes every 10 seconds manually. Here  i have made a new script TorGhost for your ease.

1. Routes all traffic

TorGhost can route all the network traffic through tor network i.e. every single application that tries to connect internet will go through tor network. No single ping will be leaked out, thus protecting your identity. Normally most of us use proxychain or similar application to route the traffic for a specific app. The problem is some application tends ignore proxy for much faster connection which can leak out sensitive information thus revealing your original identity or location. TorGhost can prevent you from this worst scenario. TorGhost set up a certain rules in iptables to route all outgoing connection though a certain proxy port. It also reject some sensitive incoming and outgoing request which may leak your original ip address.

2. DNS leak protection
DNS leak one of the serious issue in network security that most of us don’t know. Government organisations hunts down most of the hackers using this vulnerability. No matter how safe you encrypt dns leak is a serious issue. for more info:  What is DNS leak and how it affects your anonymity . TorGhost have a solution for that too. It can use a remote and anonymous DNS server to resolve hostname unlike other unsafe applications that uses dns provided by your ISP.

Download and Install TorGhost
Open the terminal and follow the commands.

# git clone https://github.com/susmithHCK/torghost.git
# cd torghost
chmod installer and install torghost

# chmod +x install.sh
# ./install.sh
Everything is ready. Now just open the terminal and type “torghost”

To start torghost type the following command

# torghost start
To stop torghost type the following command

# torghost stop
After this you no longer have to setup manual proxy for each applications such as browsers. Any doubts or questions? post it on the comment section below. If you like this blog give me a like on facebook and add me on google plus. Subscribe my youtube channel for video tutorials.


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