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Lobotomy - Android Reverse Engineering

Lobotomy is a command line based Android reverse engineering tool. What is in the repo, is currently in development. You should assume nothing works as expected until the official 2.0 release is finished.

AuthorBenjamin Watson (rotlogix)

ComponentsEnumerate AndroidManifest.xml components
PermissionEnumerate declared and used AndroidManifest.xml permissions
StringsList and search for strings within the target application
AttackSurfaceEnumerate the target Application's attack surface through parsing the AndroidManifest.xml
SurgicalFind specific Android API usage throughout the application
InteractDrop into an IPython session to analyze the target application in a more granular fashion
UIA terminal based interface for navigating an application's class tree
DecompileDecompile the target application with Apktool
DebuggableConvert the target application into being debuggable when installed on a device
DextraWrapper around dextra for dumping odex and oat files
SocketFind local and listening sockets on a target Android device

Building Requirements for python-adb 
brew install openssl
brew install swig
env LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib" \
CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include" \
SWIG_FEATURES="-cpperraswarn -includeall -I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include" \
Create a Python Virtual Environment for Lobotomy 
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 lobotomy
cd lobotomy/
source bin/activate
Install the PIP Requirements 
pip install -r requirements
Install Androguard 
cd core/include/androguard
python setup.py install


python lobotomy.py

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          L#E .KG  ,#D  E#Wi      .KG  ,#D ,;;L#K;;. .KG  ,#D           ,W,     .Et E#,   i#G
         G#W. EE    ;#f E#K#D:    EE    ;#f   t#E    EE    ;#f         t##,    ,W#t E#t  f#f
        D#K. f#.     t#iE#t,E#f. f#.     t#i  t#E   f#.     t#i       L###,   j###t E#t G#i
       E#K.  :#G     GK E#WEE##Wt:#G     GK   t#E   :#G     GK      .E#j##,  G#fE#t E#jEW,
     .E#E.    ;#L   LW. E##Ei;;;;.;#L   LW.   t#E    ;#L   LW.     ;WW; ##,:K#i E#t E##E.
    .K#E       t#f f#:  E#DWWt     t#f f#:    t#E     t#f f#:     j#E.  ##f#W,  E#t E#G
   .K#D         f#D#;   E#t f#K;    f#D#;     t#E      f#D#;    .D#L    ###K:   E#t E#t
  .W#G           G#t    E#Dfff##E,   G#t      t#E       G#t    :K#t     ##D.    E#t E#t
 :W##########Wt   t     jLLLLLLLLL;   t        fE        t     ...      #G      ..  EE.
 :,,,,,,,,,,,,,.                                :                       j           



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